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The Founder Maria Marshall in Asia during her attendance at  Batch Group USA-83- 2013.


Meeting and networking are just some of the events the Wellness Live, Love, Laugh and Shine, organize from time to time to help members and volunteers, meet and connect.  They talk about their experiences, struggles, challenges, and success. Food and entertainment, sharing knowledge and skills.  Meditation, Nature walk, and Fitness.

Each year members may join an event and adventure trip to other countries.  Meeting and collaboration with local communities.

Effective Collaboration December  2016

DAYUNAN is a home for boys located in Iloilo City Philippines, established in 2003 to help young homeless boys and keeping them off the street and becoming a victim of crime.

University Of San Augustin Batch 83, is a group of students from University of San Agustin graduated in 1983, I am one of these students. The group is very active in the community and humanitarian aid in the city of Iloilo, Central Island of the Philippines.  

My Foundation collaborates with this organization in spreading humanitarian aid to those in need. As a very small and self-funded organization, we strategically spread our wellness program by collaborating with a local organization that can assist us to reach those people in need, making it efficient and cost-effective.


In collaboration with my old university group, our LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH, AND SHINE Foundation was able to reach DAYUNAN and made some young homeless boys happy for including them during the time of giving. Anything small can create a huge impact on the lives of people knowing they are supported, that the community cares for them. These boys will grow up and will remember that good deeds comes to good people and hoping that they will stay on the right path.  With the right mentoring, training and skilling that they will find good employment when they reach the age of 18 or 21, and become independent adults and out of the care of the community.



Small gifts made few faces happy.  This may not count to others but certainly made a difference to some.  A simple banquet of food to share amongst them, games for entertainment.  Grateful to such deed they happily posed for a quick snap to share. 
Playing native games, making friends and receiving small pizes put the smile on their faces.  Yes, we cannot help everyone but we are making a difference in our own little way.
This is what our program is all about, "Making a difference."
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