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Community Inclusion

Social inclusion has become the hot topic in the media and the political arena.  Recently the One Nation Political Party Leader has been bombarded with negative comments about her speech on Autism children in the classroom.
Autism is one of the many disabilities in Australia.  They are not all the same, some may only have minor autism and others maybe a little hard to handle without any assistance from the external family.  Families caring for a disabled family member, are very tough and resilient,  they go through several situations in their homes, some so extreme that it tears some families apart and may even lead to suicide.

How can the society help these families?  Inclusions, make them feel that they are important and that they have the society’s compassion and support.  We as the community should put ourselves first into these people shoes, how would it be if we were in the same situation?  How would it be if we feel excluded because we are different?  Yes, it does take a lot of effort, but without us the community who stand up for them, where would they be?  We are creating a divided society just like the way the black and white in early days in America.  If anyone has watched the movie recently The Hidden Numbers, it has a good moral story.  Here, it demonstrated that If everyone works together, we will achieve the impossible.  In comparison, our current society has a similar issue.  If this continues it will lead to a future of naive and a careless society.

How do we implement inclusion in the society?

Support from everyone, in a classroom scenario, teachers must have teachers aid to help them in the classroom to maintain their KPI or the level of education and attention to each student.  Make the inclusion as part of education rather than a hindrance to other students.  In the classroom scenario, students with no disability will be better educated and have a good understanding of the needs of children with disability.  They will learn compassion and better qualities of human behavior.  They would have some ideas themselves on how they can help and be involved in the community, be humanitarian because the feeling they have from their classroom situation has taught them how to be kind and care for another human being.  How would it be for a child knowing that they are making a difference in the society?  The sense of achievement will make them happy and become a better member of the community.  What does this inclusion do to the children with the disability?  It will make them happy because they feel the sense of belonging to a community, knowing that they have the support and care.  They feel important and included.  No longer different or neglected or a burden to the society.  We Belong! They Belong!  You Belong! Is a community inclusion initiative by LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH, AND SHINE.


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