Live, Love, Laugh and Shine
Wellness Program for Life Balance........
Do things you enjoy most, work with people that appreciate your contributions,
Eat food that is healthy for your body,
Acknowledge people around you............be grateful for what you have.........appreciate LIFE
The Women's Voice Hear Us!
Share your story here.
From our Finland Wellness Ambassador her own life experience:
It's amazing on how life could go. It can treat you in any possible way. It has molded me in the outside but most importantly it has molded me in the inside. Life has been full of ups and downs. More of rocky roads, less of smooth silky ways. But I'm not who I am today without those experiences, without those people who have come, been and out of my life. And here I am, standing still and strong! It's life that taught me to be who I am today! It's still not perfect but it surely is worth living for!
We all should learn to appreciate life as it is! LEARN, CHANGE, SURVIVE!

From our Finland Wellness Ambassador her own life experience:
It's amazing on how life could go. It can treat you in any possible way. It has molded me in the outside but most importantly it has molded me in the inside. Life has been full of ups and downs. More of rocky roads, less of smooth silky ways. But I'm not who I am today without those experiences, without those people who have come, been and out of my life. And here I am, standing still and strong! It's life that taught me to be who I am today! It's still not perfect but it surely is worth living for!
We all should learn to appreciate life as it is! LEARN, CHANGE, SURVIVE!
Mariton Yuma
More stories to come.......
From our Taipei Wellness Ambassador, her own life experience told in a poem, where she entered it in a local newspaper competition and won.
Taipei listen to my story I'm one of the thousands foreign workers whose looking forward to a better salary I came with nothing much experience But my mind is strong and well determined Setting up my heart full of patience Preparing myself for the tasks that I know I will be challenged.
Early morning I wake up The air smells so fresh I hear some birds flock on the tree top There were bright and cheerful flowers especially in the warm spring and summer days. Remembering the first year of my job I never feared on taking the task It is someone's life I am dealing with No matter how hard it is.
Everyone gathered for a family tradition Sharing gifts and red envelopes as part of their culture Wishing each other good health, wealth and success for the future After their gatherings there was me Cleaning up their mess And received a red envelope from my boss I feel so happy and blessed But life has been stressful Though I appreciate my boss for being thoughtful I suffered from sleepless nights Even my weight gets light Waking up in the midnight To change this old mans diaper And even handling him some tissue paper I feel like floating in the air When his cough attacks Almost every hour in the middle of the night I will get up to help his sputum suctioned I'm trying hard to do my job But someone treats me so bad That hurts my feelings and makes me sad
This old man I cared is so kind That keeps me thinking if I can still continue with my job I've been careful in every way Learning his illness every day Yet I know it can't be wrong When his eyes shine brightly And I see his smile I know these things I do is right
Tough times came When the old man was hospitalized Some nights become long Some days are so hard From emergency section to the ward. I need to be brave and smart. To Know every detail as nurse instructs me what should I do right. The trips of the doctors Late night adventures Nurses on call Wandering the hall, Blood pressure monitoring Body temperature checking Sharing bread and a cup of tea My boss gave to me. Pleasing me to be careful with his father All is well if we understand each other I offer kind words I lift and I tug I comfort him and give him a hug I sleep very little but I sleep when I can But someone in the family discriminated me. He doesn't believe and trust me, treatment was inhumane. No concerned from the broker or any favor
I called help from the ministry of labor But my boss still trusts me and wishes me to stay I decided to finish my contract. Go back home miles away. I was overwhelmed when my boss looks for me after I left Taipei. Sending me emails to get me back. He spent and pay everything for me He wants me back, the old man wants me back. No other caregiver can replace the way I care.
Now here I am again for the third times around It's my privilege and an honor to assist Seeing this old man drooling in his wheelchair Who prayed every night for his children and grandchildren I lie awake each night Staring at the ceiling Tears in my eyes keep falling Missing my family back home again Sometimes our efforts are important contribution Our work greatly contributes in sustaining our nation.